
Usful links I came across in my studies.

www.overclockers.com - My first subscription to a technical web site and where I came a overcloking addict. Really cool web site adn you can get lot of help from the techncial forum.

- this is a site I came to hang around most of them time, when I found out there is a server software called Small Business Server. Now I've providing support for this product so sticking to get more information from these guys. Cool techncail forum too.

www.yousendit.com - To send a large file to someone. If your ISP won't allow you then these guys will allow you upto 1 GB.

www.computerperformance.co.uk - Can't say much about this site because I'm still getting into it. But it's seems to be useful to anyone because this guy offer lot of information. thanks pal keep up your good work, at least I'm promoting you in a good manner.

www.msexchange.org - Another paradise to hang around if ya scratching your head to troubleshoot Exchange server.

www.petri.co.il - Great web asite, and he is doign a great service. Really worth a looking. It's all about windows server software and windows XP tweaks.

So far that's all for now until I find intrestign places for you all. Well these are my tasing but if anyoen looks for more info please let me know soI'll be keen enough to look intot hat also.

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